I haven't finished reading this yet but before I forget thank you so much for this write up. The gatekeeping was crazy.

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Hey this is amazing work its impossible to find others records of this! I have two questions though:

1. Does the FA20 lower oil pan fit on the FA24 upper oil pan (I have modifications done to it for my Turbo's return line) or would I need to use the FA24 lower oil pan if I am using the FA24 upper oil pan?

2. Why didn't you a spacer (maybe washers) between the crank position sensor and the crankshaft so the pins on the reluctor wheel would clear the plug. From the video it seems like it was only hitting by a few centimeters. Do u think such a tiny increase in space would affect the clutch?


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Hey! Some answers below:

1) Short answer is I don't know - but judging by the pictures I have of the two upper pans, I don't think so. The mating surface of the FA24 upper pan is different (and a lot thinner) than the FA20 pan, so you'd probably need to use an FA20 upper pan as well.

2) I'm guessing you're talking about the reluctor wheel? Problem is you'd have to use a massive spacer - something like a 0.220" spacer - which would mean the flywheel wouldn't be able to sit on the crank anymore, which would create issues with vibration and would put a lot of stress on the bolts, and probably create clutch engagement issues. (mind you im guessing - didn't try it)

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This is it. What I’ve been waiting for for about three years. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to see someone do this and post the results. Thank you so much.

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Thank you!! That means a lot. 🙏

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Excellent read. I’m in the Toronto 86 group (even though I’m an Argentinian living in Denver, Colorado) and thoroughly enjoyed the article. Looking forward to the power figures (even if stock)

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